It‘s Zellcheming time – Feralco presents its GAMECHANGER at the trade fair in Wiesbaden and announces CHOOSE!

Our high-performer, NICASAL®, is well-known to most in the paper industry. When NICASAL® is used instead of the standard product PAC, it brings numerous advantages to paper manufacturing. This is no longer a secret – here are just a few of the benefits:

  • No chloride contamination, lower conductivity, and no corrosion
  • Reduction of resin adhesive dispersion by up to 30%
  • Reduction of pulp thickness and retention agents by up to 20%
  • Excellent cleaning performance in terms of turbidity and COD
  • Significant improvement in fines and filler retention
  • Prevention of H2S and reduction of unpleasant odors


Many buyers have been hesitant to pay the higher price for NICASAL® compared to the standard product, even though the majority of this cost is offset by advantages in other areas. The reduced use of additives and fewer web breaks should be mentioned, not to mention the associated stress and frustration…

Starting today, Feralco proudly announces CHOOSE! What does it mean? It means that we want our customers to experience the benefits of NICASAL® for themselves – completely risk-free, without paying a single extra cent more than before! We aim to provide complete transparency and, for the next 11 months, offer NICASAL® at the price of the PAC product you currently use. In other words, you‘ll get a fully equipped sports car at the price of a plain compact car!

The risk for this trial phase is absolutely zero for you. And two more good news: unlike PAC products, NICASAL® availability is guaranteed! Additionally, due to the changing price structures in the raw material market, the price difference between PAC and NICASAL® is not as significant as you might think. Take advantage of our offer and try out the use of NICASAL® for 11 months to see if it brings you important competitive advantages! If not now, then when? Please feel free to contact me or one of my colleagues for a non-binding consultation.

Best regards, and see you soon,
Stefan Nierhoff

Sales Director

Mobil: +49 162 1906990

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